At Lotion Bar Co., we respect everything that we are a part of - our environments (both natural and built), our ingredients, our processes, our people and their values, and anything we have an impact on. We put a lot of care and thought into our products because we want you to feel the love when you use our products. We respect your desire to completely trust in us and our products. So we put our hearts in all we do and we absolutely love it.
We move with Grace and Intention because we realise that we a part of something bigger than us. We wish to leave everything we touch a little brighter, lighter and happier. We are always helpful, kind and uplifting to the best of our abilities.
We are constantly evolving and improving. We don’t know it all and we are eager to learn. If we believe that there is a better, we’ll seek it. We are adventurous and are not afraid of mistakes. We think that we won’t get it wrong because we’ll never get it done.
We are proudly inclusive and non-judgemental. We are not egotistical green warriors. We know that everybody is doing the best to their abilities. We always have a patient ear and welcoming arms.
Doing the right thing, no matter how difficult, uncomfortable or inconvenient. We believe in the quote by John Wooden, “The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”
If it not fun, it’s not worth it. A bit cheeky, a bit sassy and a whole lot of fun. We crack weird and funny jokes and find joy in our daily routine. That’s how our creative juices flow. Meditation and yoga grounds us, so we don’t get carried away.